
Press Conference Outside AG's Office

On Tuesday, February 13th, the Catholic Accountability Project (CAP) held a press conference outside Attorney General Ferguson’s office to discuss the subpoenas they believe were sent to Archbishop Étienne of Seattle, Bishop Tyson of Yakima, and Bishop Daly of Spokane last August seeking abuse-related documents and evidence.

These subpoenas are believed to be in the form of civil investigative demands, pursuant to the Washington State Charitable Trust Act. The Charitable Trust Act gives the Washington State Attorney General the authority to “facilitate public supervision” of public charitable trusts…and to clarify and implement the powers and duties of the attorney general.” This legislation gives Ferguson the necessary power to investigate nonprofit institutions such as the Catholic Church.

Survivors and advocates are urging Ferguson to do the following:

- Immediately establish a confidential hotline and online reporting system, as has been done in other statewide investigations. This would provide a secure platform for victims, witnesses, and whistleblowers to expose abuse and cover-up within faith-based organizations.

- Compel the production of pertinent documents, evidence, and the testimony of leadership in organizations where abuse has transpired.

- Pursue, in cooperation with local district attorneys, criminal prosecutions based on evidence uncovered in the course of his investigation

- Issue a comprehensive final report to the citizens of Washington State, detailing the Attorney General's findings.

Survivors groups are urging victims, concerned Catholics, and whistleblowers to contact the Office of the Attorney General at 360-753-6200 to register their support for a statewide investigation, report their abuse, and share their experiences and concerns. Additionally, the call extends to those with any other relevant information and evidence.


Delivering our Letter to AG Ferguson


Catholic Accountability Project