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  • Conversation with Archbishop Étienne

    Conversation with Archbishop Étienne

    Members of Catholic Accountability Project pressed Archbishop Etienne for more details regarding the removal of Rev. Arulanandam Robert Antony last December.

  • Delivering our Letter to AG Ferguson

    Delivering our Letter to AG Ferguson

    After our press conference on February 13th, 2024, we delivered a letter to Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson asking that in his investigation into clergy sexual abuse meet survivors’ priorities.

  • Press Conference Outside AG's Office

    Press Conference Outside AG's Office

    On Tuesday, February 13th, the Catholic Accountability Project (CAP) held a press conference outside Attorney General Ferguson’s office to discuss the subpoenas they believe were sent to Archbishop Étienne of Seattle, Bishop Tyson of Yakima, and Bishop Daly of Spokane last August seeking abuse-related documents and evidence.

  • Catholic Accountability Project

    Catholic Accountability Project

    CAP is a Washington State-based initiative of Ending Clergy Abuse, a global human rights organization dedicated to ending the Church’s structural mechanisms that enable abuse. We fight for survivors because we love our Church, and we are committed to cultivating an environment within the Catholic Church prioritizing safety, well-being, and dignity for all.